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Cotutelle Agreements

A cotutelle agreement is an agreement between two institutions of higher education, and the doctoral student, about the joint processing of the doctoral programme and the award of the doctoral degree. The agreement is individual and regulates, in particular, issues related to the implementation of the doctoral program at two universities, the preparation of a doctoral dissertation under the supervision of two supervisors, and the course of the procedure for awarding the doctoral degree at both universities. Both partner universities implement the provisions of the agreement and award the doctoral degree following the applicable national law.

The doctoral candidate must be accepted to the doctoral programme in both institutions before concluding the cotutelle agreement.

Cotutelle agreement template in Polish – download file (.docx) / in English – download file (.docx)

In matters relating to the conclusion of cotutelle agreement please contact Ms. Katarzyna Dombrowicz, email: k.dombrowicz@uw.edu.pl